FireChat: Adaltas WebTech Course Project

December 2020

1 minute
367 words

FireChat homepage

FireChat is a project I realized in 2020 for a course I was following at ECE Paris. This course was taught by David Worms, CEO of Adaltas, and its goal was to introduce us to Web Technologies through labs on different topics of the JavaScript ecosystem:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • SQL & NoSQL databases
  • React (JSX, Function Components, Hooks)
  • Material Design & Material UI
  • OAuth & OpenID Connect

Each module had its own lab and we then implemented what we had learned on our semester project. You can find the content of this course on this repo. I did this project in collaboration with my friend Marin Neyret, who I thank for his work.

The goal of this project was to build a basic messaging web app. You can find the full project requirements there.

👉🏼 GitHub repo


👨🏻‍🔧 Tech Stack






📸 Screenshots

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A discussion channel

The user can switch between the different channels he created or has been invited to. He can see info about the other users in the channel. He can modify and delete his messages.

Creating a new channel

The user can select/deselect members and invite new ones via email.


User can change its randomly generated username and his avatar. Avatars are being fetched from Gravatar or selected from a list, I didn't have time to implement uploading your own.

This website is still a WIP, you can find the code for it there, look at the CHANGELOG there, and report bugs or request features there.